(Courtesy: Bhisma R. Karki)
First of all, I still call the Maoists terrorists and continue to do so in spite of the bonhomie between them and the government of Nepal. In this I am not alone; millions of Nepali people feel the revulsion for the inhuman crimes of the Maoists. The wound of terrorism is ever fresh.
A war torn country is forced to make space for the Maoist terrorism. Nobody denies that peace is better than war. But the absence of towering figure to lead Nepal with a foresight to nip the Maoist terrorism in the bud is a very sad reality.
Now the tide of the Maoist terrorism appears strong and unstoppable, thanks to the unscrupulous politicians switching sides and the bungling monarch making a mess of everything. The voice against the Maoist terrorism is disorganized, demoralized and mute.
Yet it is no exaggeration to claim that this vast mass is the true majority. The democratic leadership has let them down most shamefully. The anti-Maoist majority lacks the fervor and hysteria which makes the Maoist terrorism so deadly a force. The Nepali chutzpah has yet to find its savior.
One is awed by the power of the ugly Maoist ideology in enthralling a sizable section of the poor Nepali mass, which is embracing the Maoism in the great ecstasy of liberation. These people are gladly willing to make the supreme sacrifice of life and death in the name of the Maoism. The poverty of consciousness of this population makes them the blind instruments at the criminal service of the Maoist network.
The charismatic leader of the Fascism, Benito Mussolini, said the supreme trial is the trial of life, to be ready to give up life. Although the fascist tactics are repugnant, the Maoists share its worst features.
The Maoist mass shows the fanatical devotion to the Maoist party and is ready to die and kill. This mass idolizes the vicious terrorist leaders BabuRam and Prachanda who are also courted and feted by the government of Nepal.
Some media are also seen fawning at the feet of Maoist terrorism, not to mention the servile intelligentsia. Even a columnist of fine caliber like Khagendra Sangraulla sees in Maoism a great promise. At the same time Mr. Sangraulla is ever happy to discharge the venom against the monarchy.
The seeds of the Maoist terrorism were sown in the reign of democratic parties because the elected representatives failed completely to stand up to the ideal of public life. The deterioration of the image of the democratic government (in the public eye) made Maoism not only attractive but also made it possible for Maoism to expand into the popular democratic base.
The decay of the political forces of post 1990 Nepal is so deep that the communism and its most brutal version Maoism, emerged as a credible alternative in Nepal. The Nepali people have to put up with the atrocities of the Maoist terrorism.
The unholy alliance between the democratic parties and the Maoits is an opportunism of the worst kind directed against the king. Of course king Gyanendra himself bears some blame for his current plight.
While the SPA-Maoist alliance has temporarily stopped the never ending violence and war, it is an action rewarding Maoist terrorism. In vain, so many people died. So many people are suffering. It was an unnecessary and tragic war. Nepal is not Peru. Otherwise Prachanda & Baburam would spend the rest of their life in a cage to pay for their crimes.
The direct rule of the King of Nepal, Gyanendra, was a wasted opportunity with tragic consequences which are yet to unfold. The King, instead of building up the popular front against the Maoist terrorists, has sadly become the victim of popular backlash. The King turned out to be no better than just a fool who squandered the enormous goodwill. But Prachanda is a bloody criminal who dreams of usurping the throne.
The political parties, ostracized by an inept and ambitious king, have stooped to the sinister force of Maoism whose rise to power has been paved by terrorism. In this age of the universal triumph of democracy, our country finds itself paralyzed by Maoist terrorism. The political parties like the Nepali Congress and UML who today rejoice in humiliating and insulting the king, will be the next to fall prey to the beast of the Maoist terrorism.
After the tumultuous uprising of the year 2006, the king appears helpless. The choicest terms of abuse are hurled routinely against the Monarchy, while the horrendous crimes of the Maoists are barely uttered.
On the scale of evil, the Maoists' record remains incomparable. The Maoists are infinitely more cruel and evil than all the kings combined. It was and is easy to dislodge the king from power. The Maoist terrorists, once they come to power, can be overthrown only by violent means.
All the governments, including the one headed by the King himself, never had faith in the strength of the cause against the Maoist insurgency. All the time there was wavering and confusion. Maoists were wholly focused and ruthless.
Even with all the terrorism and violence perpetrated by Maoists over the past 10 years (and now), Nepali people have yet to understand the intensity of the ruthless Maoist machine. The rise and success of Maoist terrorism could not have been possible without the succession of the weak and incompetent governments offering half-hearted fights and confused retreats. Only in Nepal can a ragtag group of terrorist militia grow unopposed in some sense into such a powerful organization.
Very soon the political parties will lose their dwindling mass-base. Maybe in the confusion, the populace will have to put up willingly with the curse of a Maoist takeover. The antagonism between the monarchy and democratic forces including the UML need not escalate into the permanent hostility, no matter how badly king Gyanendra was disrespectful towards the parliamentary parties. The king has already been punished for his misadventure. In the long run, the honeymoon between the democratic parties and the Maoist will be suicidal blunder for Nepal.
In the current sordid political drama of Nepal, it is fashionable to trumpet the bugle of republicanism and accuse the monarchy of all the ills facing Nepal. Even the ex-panchas are deserting the king’s camp.
But in the days and years to come, Nepal as a kingdom will surely look more benign in comparison with the terror and crimes committed by the Maoists. If the Monarchy is toppled now, the main beneficiary will be the Maoist terrorist. There will be no stopping the hordes of Maoists from taking over the country.
The constitutional monarchy is a far more dignified system than the Maoist takeover. The fall of monarchy will hasten Nepal’s plunge into an abyss of anarchy. Where are the followers of the 1990 constitution? The constitutional arrangement of the 1990 is worth fighting for. Let Nepal not burn in the inferno run by the Maoist thugs. To the followers of the Constitutional Monarchy, I urge, rise up. We can save Nepal from the fiendish hands of the Maoist terrorists. If the people of Nepal see through the dark and ugly face of the Maoism, they will never side with the Maoism against the constitutional monarchy.
Let us unite against the Maoist terrorism. To this end the silent contempt for Maoism alone is not enough. Only at the total destruction of the Maoist terrorist network will the sweet flower of democracy bloom in Nepal.
The republic & the constitutional assembly are Maoist agendas. I am against the constituent assembly and the the formation of a republic. Both agendas may appear innocent demands on the surface. But they are only stepping stones for the totalitarian takeover of the Maoist terrorism.
How can we let the murderer and criminal Maoists frame the constitution? The people drafting the constitution should come from the noble and ideal stock of the nation. When the cycle of hatred and violence completes, the mad force of the Maoist terrorism will meet an agonizing death. With the demise of Maoism will emerge a truly democratic Nepal.
These are the opinions of individuals with shared interests on Nepal..... the views are the writers' alone (unless otherwise stated) and do not reflect those of any organizations to which contributors are professionally affiliated. The objective of the material is to facilitate a range of perspectives to contemplate, deliberate and moderate the progression of democratic discourse in Nepali politics.
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Though I am skeptical about the rhetorics at the end of this article, I believe Mr. Karki has hit the button when he writes that no one yet has had "faith in the strength of the cause against the Maoist insurgency". Very few Nepalis understand what communism, and its virulent form which the Maoists espouse, really is. It is not just another political party, make no mistake about that. A solid "democratic front" must be created, well before the CA elections, to defeat the Maoists and the "leftist front" they want to create. Therein lies the most pragmatic and peaceable solution. Should the defeated then resort to arms, so be it. With moral prerogative, democratic authority and international backing - the democratic Government can then unleash every ounce of its security apparatus WITH FULL POLITICAL SUPPORT, something that has not happened to date.
Mr. Karki is right on many account. The time for regrouping in order to fight present and future tyranny must be setup at once. The basic point is Maoist only survives because of threat and killing- there should no second opinion on this. This said, the way the so-called-democratic party are cajoling and abetting maoist by abusing their only savior, Constitutional Monarchy, the path they are taking looks like not only a blunder but a wonton suicide.
The way the things are- maoist expect total collapse of the system (they are working on this as we speak) so they can move in, SPA thinks by cajoling maoist, they will weaken them ( must be advice of EU & Indian- not happening)and consequently force them to accept their terms (not by long shot, I assume), and by making Monarchy defunct both expect to have it easy but the precedent for active and violent revolt has already been set. The mistake of suspending Monarchy will hit SPA harder than Maoist. The unholy alliance of convenience will do nothing except create a black hole that will erase this nation from functioning to not even failed but once was.
I want to clarify a misconception.
Mussolini shared evil with the evil Hitler. However, in the early days of Mussolini's reign, even Churchill was impressed.
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