Friday, March 02, 2007

Bahunists and Bahunism - A mini-Dissertation on the Caretakers of Nepal's Feudal Tradition

(Courtesy: Sano Baje)

For those of us who have lived with this phenomenon all our lives, what is described below is no big revelation. However, for the benefit of those who think Nepali politics boils down to a struggle between Royalists and Maoists, or democrats and autocrats, or centrists and extremists, they are only partially correct. There is one other critical grouping that serves as chief sponsor of the political turmoil in Nepal - the Bahunists.

Who are the Bahunists?

So who (what) exactly are the Bahunists? Well, those who believe in Maoism are Maoists; those who believe in the Royal tradition are Royalists. Similarly, those who believe in the "Bahun-baad" tradition, are the Bahunists.

What is the "Bahun-baad" tradition and who precisely are the Bahunists? Ask any Janajati, Dalit, Newar, Madhesi (or non-Brahmin individual) - he or she will provide you a dissertation on what "Bahun-baad" is and exactly how much damage the Bahunists have done to the idea of liberal democracy in Nepal.

Ask the Chhetris, the Thakuris, the Ranas, the Thapas, the Mallas, the Shresthas, the Tamrakars, the Kayasthas (etc.) the same question, and it is likely they will give you a different answer. Members of these groups are sure to know who the Bahunists are, but they probably don't understand the phenomenon that well.

Why? Because for centuries, Bahunists have successfully performed as the mechanism that enables (and amplifies) Nepal's feudal traditions; at the same time, the Bahunists have been successful in portraying the non-Bahunists as either the face, or the victims of feudalism.

Why are the Bahunists so Angry and Dangerous?

It is important to note that not all Brahmins are Bahunists. Just like not all Chhetris are Royalists and not all Janajatis are Maoists. This being said, all Bahunists (like other minority extremists), are bad news. Just like the hard-core Royalists give the Chhetris a bad name, the hard-core Bahunists give the Brahmins a bad name.

At least when Royalists have disagreements with other Royalists, all they do is publish trashy articles about each other in the media. When Maoists argue with other Maoists, the one with the bigger balls puts the other one in detention and then India steps in and sorts things out.

When Bahunists have arguments with other Bahunists, all hell breaks loose - look at what happened when the Bahunists in the Nepali Congress and the Bahunists in the Maoists disagreed - the whole country suffered for 12 years!! This is one of many reasons why Bahunists are bad for Nepal, just like their extremist friends from other camps.

To put it plainly, the Bahunists have functioned for ages as priests and "purohits" (mostly in the houses of high-caste Chhetris, Hindu temples, etc.) during times of unrest and war. During times of peace, they have operated in the shadows, for example, by completely Sanskritizing the exam to enter the Nepali Foreign Service, by excluding members of other ethnic groups and castes from politics, by monopolizing the state's political beaurecracy, by inserting key Bahunists in the Nepali Police, etc.

The Bahunists' fathers and forefathers accomplished the process of monopolizing state power (from within government), but some Bahunist off-spring are still angry. Why are Bahunist off-spring so violently against the idea of Monarchy? Because they are now accomplished in their own fields and find shame in the fact that their ancestors were preists in the Palace.

It's all very simple. Bahunist off-spring feel entitled to respect because of their accomplishments, but are unable to let go of their ancestral pasts and earn the respect just like everyone else. Shame is a powerful driver of hatred, as anti-Americanism flourishing the Arab world has shown. But Bahunists are embarrassed and angry for the all the wrong reasons.

If Bahunists (who have enjoyed privileged existences their whole lives) are angry, how should the Janajati and Madhesi and other minority groups feel at being repressed by the Bahunists all their lives? Remember, it may be a stupid individual like Gyanendra who sits at the wheel of the "ship," but read history - it has always been Bahunists that have guided and assisted idiots like Gyanendra, navigate the "ship."

What do Bahunists, Illiberal Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan, have in common?

In Nepal, Nepotism, sycophancy and exclusion all have one thing in common - the Bahunists. With the exception of a few "token" members from other caste groups, Nepal's politics, Nepal's education system, Nepal's public sector, Nepali media, are all completely dominated by Bahunists and their circle of semi-slaves.

When examined according to the dimensions of elite-ness and exclusivity, the Bahunists in Nepal behave much like the Ku Klux Klan (at their height), in the United States of America. The Bahunists look down on other castes, they feel superior to other classes and they advocate Bahunist supremacy, non-stop.

The "beauty" of how the Bahunists operate is that they do so under the idea of democracy, inclusion, equality and social harmony. They project the image that they are for the rights of minorities, that they are for the weak and downtrodden, that they are the most democratic of all groups.

But truly, nothing could be further from the truth. Bahunists act in favour of other Bahunists. They elevate the status of only Bahunists. They represent the very core of what is rotten in Nepal's democracy. The "Bahun-baad" phenomenon (as propagated by the Bahunists) is the single biggest threat to social harmony, to liberal democracy, to equality, and peace in Nepal.

What do you think Dor Bahadur Bista was talking about when he wrote "Fatalism and Development in Nepal?" Who do you think the International Crisis Group is referring to when they issue statements like: "Control over the peace process has not increased confidence; that all decisions were made behind closed doors by a handful of Brahman men leaves sceptics wondering if ten years of conflict has done anything to change underlying structures."

Here's another (more recent) quote from ICG: "So far the (peace) process has concentrated on building elite consensus at the expense of intense political debate or extensive public consultations."

If you guessed the Bahunists (in response to all three references above), you're absolutely right.

Who are some of the more prominent anti-Bahunists and why is their struggle not providing results?

What makes the Bahunists particularly destructive is that they are found at the top layers of every political entity in Nepal. They are at the top of the UML, they are at the top of the the Maoists, they are entrenched in the judiciary. In fact, the very core leadership of the Nepali Congress right now, are all Bahunists.

If you ever wondered about why people like Gagan Thapa, or Rabindra Shrestha (or even the JTMM) are so very annoyed with their mother organizations, it's because they resent being subdued by the Bahunists.

If you're still wondering why the Madhesi community's spontaneous uprising has been so full of passion, it's simple. It's because the Madhesis resent all decisions of political importance being made by a congregation of Bahunists. It's because they are sick and tired of Bahunists playing games with the future of Madhesis.

Like the Janajatis, the Madhesis know from experience who runs the mechanics of Nepal's feudal structure. There might be an idiot at the top of the pyramid of feudalism, but the entire base of this pyramid is full of Bahunists and their sympathizers. Thank goodness Jana Aandolan-II has clarified this beyond any credible doubt.

How do Bahunists react when they face a common threat?

When Bahunists face a threat to their powerbase, they come up with conspiracies. And not just small conspiracies, but elaborate theories that span many years and multiple dimensions. To the Bahunists, any threat to their undemocratic, exclusive, power-base is explained by a sophisticated conspiracy.

Fortunately, over the past few months, Bahunist conspiracies have gotten them into more trouble than they would care to admit.

For example, when the Bahunists came up with conspiracy theories about the Madhesi uprising being part of an elaborate Royalist design, this added anger and fuel to the Madhesi uprising.

When the Maoist Bahunists (yes, the Bahunists are at the top of the pecking order within the Maoists as well) and the Bahunists in the Nepali Congress schemed to discredit the Madhesi movement, the Madhesi movement gathered even more momentum.

When the Bahunists refused to ask one of their own to resign (in order to start negotiations with the Madhesis), naturally, the Madhesis understood exactly how much "respect" the Bahunists have for the Madhesi population.

It is hilarious when Bahunists make statement about how much they have given to the Madhesi community by "allowing" them citizenship rights. This is the Bahunists' attempt at gaining sympathy from the Madhesi community. Even more hilarious is when the Bahunists claim stake to being members of the Madhesi community (for electoral reasons).

Everyone knows that the biggest threat to continued Bahunist domination comes from movements that demand ethnic assertion, equality and proportional representation - you know, movements like the Madhesi movement and the Janajati movement.

There are thousands of examples of Royalist conspiracies that are outlined by the Bahunists (from within the Maoists and other political groups). In fact, anything that even remotely threatens the Bahunists' hold on power, is framed as a conspiracy against democracy.

Here are some excellent examples of Bahunists in action: "Janajati Nepal Banda: Royalists in Charge (and Other Headlines)" ( and "Surya Bahadur Thapa Interview: Hidden Messages?" (

How do Bahunists react when they are under public scrutiny?

In the old days, if attacked, Bahunists would run back to their priestly duties and seek protection from Hinduism - "respect your priest, do not harm your guru, feed him well, clothe him well, bull shit, bull shit, bull shit."

In recent times, Bahunists tend to throw money at whatever problems they are having. But when half the country's population is rising against the Bahunists, they are finding that spending money alone, isn't getting them relief. This is making the Bahunists extremely nervous.

Another technique Bahunists use is that they immediately mobilize their global Bahunist network, Bahunists in the media, and Bahunists across the political spectrum, to spread misinformation, to sensitize issues and to manipulate (detract) the Nepali public's mood. As technology has grown and access to information along with it, the Bahunists have mastered the means to amplify their Bahunist cause.

What Royalists failed to understand is the distinction between love for the institution and hatred for the individual; What the Maoists understand (but intentionally ignore) is that one does not have to be a Royalist to oppose Maoist tyranny; What the Bahunists fail to understand is that whether the Maoists come to power or not, whether Nepal becomes a republic or not, the Bahunists are exposed once and for all!!

Forecasting the Future of "Bahun-baad" and the Bahunists

Of course, all "good" things come to an end. With people across Nepal awakening from the Maoist nightmare, ethnic assertion and demands for equality are at the very top of every agenda. People are demanding their rights in the most democratic way possible and such demands have caught the Bahunists off balance.

Being caught by surprise is what is bringing the Bahunists in the Nepali Congress and the Bahunists in the CPN-M together. The merger of the Bahunists from different political leanings is what is fuelling the ethnic movements across the country.

Slowly but surely, the games, the politics, the conspiracies and the machinations that underpin the "Bahun-baad" philosophy and elevate the Bahunists in Nepal, will come to an abrupt end. The days of the Bahunist democracy and Bahunist candidates representing regions that are home to other ethnic groups, are numbered. Just wait till the Constituent Assembly elections roll around.

How will the Bahunists react to this writing?

When the Bahunists read this posting (and they will most certainly read it), I am sure they will come up with one conspiracy theory after another to discredit the ideas embodied in the writing. In reading Bahunist responses, look out in particular for the following themes:

  • This is a Royalist conspiracy to bring about ethnic disharmony in Nepal - Right, everything that challenges Bahunist domination is a conspiracy of some sort.
  • The writing is completely flawed - it is the Chhetris, the Ranas and the Shahs who are the root of feudalism in Nepal - "238 years of the Shah dynasty, etc. Sure, that is, minus 238 years of Priests and Gurus forecasting the future of the Shah dynasty.
  • The ideas captured in this article are designed specifically to derail the Constituent Assembly elections - Why in the world would we want to do that? The CA elections are guaranteed to destroy Bahunism once and for all. If anyone, it is the Bahunists who are eager to sabotage CA elections. Loss of power for the Bahunists, is a certainty.

Watch out particularly for the non-Bahun authors who comment on the ideas articulated in the writing above. Those will be the most Bahunist responses of all.


Anonymous said...

What good does it do to anyone to play the blame game? This kind of carping adds nothing but fuels hatred.
Note to the author:
This is a genuine concern sans any allusions to conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Chanda T: I cannot speak for the author, but as a victim of Bahunist discrimination, I can say that this article is completely relevant to current and past Nepal.

For people of my background, this isn't about adding fuel - this is about bringing out the truth. It's not about fueling hatred, it's about setting the historical record straight. This is all about forcing accountability, where accountability is due.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is perhaps the most eloquent depiction of reality. Thanks to the author. Boy, i'm elated to read this piece. Finally, someone has come out and said what truly is! Nepal is sinking each day in the name of democracy but i'm sure that there will be another uprising. This time it will be without the monetary aid and infiltration from india and without the assistance of the brahmanist media or the brahmanist civil society. This time it will be for real. Can you dig that brahmanist feudals?

Anonymous said...

Very well-put. Oh how i wish we could have these decadent politicians guillotined in Khula-manch. These Bahuns are responsible for bringing Nepal to this abyss and they should be punished accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Yes just wait til the elections and we will see the Maoist Bahunists take over.

THE ELECTIONS WILL NOT BE FAIR. The Maoists are a Bahunist front.

Anonymous said...

Sano Baje hits the nail on its head but his allusion is something that I fail to agree with. CA polls or any polls, India funded uprising or any uprising the Bahunbaad in Nepal is not going to end so easily. Erasing the literal meaning of "Bahun" for the moment lets scan the Nepali society. As the author mentioned there are Bahunist among the Madhises I'd like to add that there are Bahunists in every ethnic groups in Nepal. The Thakuris, Chettris, Newars, Rais, Limbus, Magars, Tamangs, Sherpas, Tharus, Thakalis ohh yes the Thakalis, Gurungs the list goes on. Every Cast and every ethnicity has a set of its own Bahunists and nothing is going to change. One Bahunist group will be replaced by the other..thats it. On the international context have you seen the tide turn?? Tha Bahunists of India (read gandhis, scindias, sings , even the yadavs now) or in USA (Bush and the neocons) or elsewhere....things don't change...thats the beauty of democracy...a lot changes without changing everything...the elite still rule.

Anonymous said...

This is a politically incorrect and potentially divisive article but says what many people were unwilling to articulate but had probably thought or experienced at some time.

Let me add, however, that "Bahunsism" not be taken up by Royalists as the root of all evil or to legitimize what King Gyanendra did. We know you're sorely tempted but refrain, if you can.

The Monarchy had plenty of good will, power, and resources, which it squandered through its own stupidity - not through a Bahunist conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - What exactly is politically incorrect about the truth?

If your worry is that political insensitivity may somehow elevate the Royalists extremists, do you understand that keeping politically correct, gives the Bahunists the green light?

I agree with your writing about the monarchy - the man, his son, they're both stupid and they should pay for their stupidity.

But I would also add that the Bahunists in each group should pay for being over smart and fooling the Nepali people for centuries. Do you agree?

I read this article 2-3 times and am still digesting the overwhelming information it has provided. I fully agree with the writer on all fronts.

Anonymous said...

I never said it was not the truth -just politically incorrect and commend the author for putting it out. How about direct then, if it pleases you.

I was merely cautioning against using the thesis as a way to lift the Monarchy out of its self-inflicted mess.

Anonymous said...



its foolish when our human rights and civil society goons declare 238 yrs of monarchy has oppressed minorities.....mainly kanak dixits and devendraj pandeys...but the truth is it was the brahmans who drew hindu codes forcing the suppression of minorities...even during jung bahadur time it were the brahmans who made laws...if u r going to dam the institution of monarchy for 238 yrs of oppression...lets dam hindu religion and bahunism who are the real architects of this suppression.......its hinduism and bahunism that has kept the people under dark...and who wrote the code for manu etc...all ******* bowns...

Anonymous said...

Fact is a fact is a fact is a fact and is a SOLID FACT.

No matter what you call the author, the whole truth is howling and glaring rigtht at you.

You as a reader do have your agenda ridden choice to deny this whole truth and keep playing your Bahunist game just like the commies are playing the communist game.

Or - you can learn from this evil design of Bahunism that has enslaved more than 1 Billion (yes you read it right, that is 1 billion) innocent lives that have been enslaved in the entire south asia !!!!!!!!

It must have taken a lot of courage for the author to publish a solid naked truth in such a balanced and academic fashion. Kudos !!!!!!!!

Bahunists and Communists - they are two heads of the same coin (yes a khote-sikka) if you stop to think about it.

Bahunists, in the name of religion, have enslaved south asia for the last 7,000 years (sadly, they continue to do so) and now Bahunist Communists, in the name of "dictatorial democracy or liberal democracy", want to enslave the south asia again for the next 7,000 years.

One thing you have to give to the Bahunists, they are cunningly and cleverly evils who continue to re-invent themselves to constantly find ways to enslave the Sojho-Nepalis time and time again.

Sojho-Nepalis, stand up and reject this SLAVERY NOW !

Say NO (and take arms if you have to) against the SIX BAHUNISTS and their parties who are trying to dictate the lives of 30 million innocent Sojho-Nepali lives !!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see. Thank you for the clarification. I believe we are in complete agreement. I may have misread your original postig. I do apologize.

Anonymous said...

This should be a thesis for every nepali to read.

The writers points are on target.

Bahunists are turly everwhere... they are in America as Doctors and lawyers and bankers, they are in Nepal as politicians and beurecrats, they are in Europe.. these Bahunists are just everywhere.

From everywhere, they use the word "democracy" to keep themselves in power.

Von M. has a good point also. Although not mentioned in the article, the Maoists are the perfect front for the Bahunists.

It disgusts me. These Bahuns think they can fool us forever. We shall see....

Anonymous said...

This article proficiently articulates the venomous intent of the bahuns. The bahuns have so skillfully manipulated the rhetoric of democracy that anyone disgreeing with these rascals will be branded as feudal and reacationary. Hats off to the author for having the balls of steel to pronounce it.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm speechless. Everything I have thought since I was living in Doti, till today, in one single place.

I hope the Bahunists read this and read it well. They will get what is coming, soon enough.

Bahunists, Royalists, Maoists, all feathers of the same bird. We should completely wipe out the entire speci.

bjendra raj said...

This write-up (article) is probably one of the best thing that has happen to the Bahunbad exploited people of Nepal in recent years. deserves a million-gun salute, keep up your great service with such thought provoking stuffs.

Anonymous said...

You can call writing this politically incorrect or socially divisive or whatever... it is still the first article I have read on the internet that exposes the Bahunists for the scum they are.

The new Nepal has no room for these scum suckers like Krishna Sitoula, Phuspa Dahal, Shekkhar Koirla, and the whole gang. These Bahunists think that as long as one of them is in power, it will be fine for all the other Bahunists.

I say the longer these bahunists fool themselves, the more satisfication I will get when they are destroyed.

We should never make the mistake of letting the Maoists, the Royalists and definitely not the Bahunists run our contry. They all have to be eradicated. The sooner, the better.

Anonymous said...

This is a time of healing... we need to heal as a nation.. not the time to point finger.

One thing is that the article by Dinesh Wagle about Surya B. Thapa was a good example of why articles like this one are appel to masses.

Nepalis must work together and not fight each other.

Anonymous said...

Its the truth but the danger is in whole scheming of things- lets not destroy and stoke hate to erase this nation. Bhauns are culprit by fault or should I say birth - its about time we shore up our rights by denying them our guilliablity.

Anonymous said...

One learned friend commented,"Kam Kuro Eekatira,Kumlo Boki Thimitira" !That is all we need !

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing piece of writing. Bahunism has to be put in the same category as feudalism and Maoism as ideologies, only it has been much more persistent over millenia. Bahunism is a tougher nut to crack. It is Bahunism that brings the Maoists and the Congress Bahuns together. The Force is in action.

Madhesi Janajati Kranti: A Few Scenarios

परिवर्तन said...

Bahunists or Bahunbadis are protecting detestable ideology of Bahunism or Bahunbaad. New Nepal needs to shatter this abhorable ideology.
Good writing.
Please visit my views on Bahunism here

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this.

Someone may have to make a distinction between Bahun and Brahmin.

Anonymous said...

Nepal was ruled by differen rajah. Now it is time to abolish this last one. All the so-called priests background bahun made things difficult in this country and they did it for the shake of monarch. Once there is no monarchism there will be no braminism. Let me tell you one thing. When palace was organising king Birendra's coronation, they needed 4 casts. So they asked Nagendra Prasad Rijal to act as a Brahaman, Kirtinidhi as a Chhetry, Jogmehar as a Bainse. Can you imagine who acted as a Sudra? I would love to hear if there would be at least Golchhe Sharki type of people too. But this bastard Padma Sundar Lawoti acted as a Sudra. Shame in Janajati representation. I hate this man. So now it is time to think about new nepal. Lets work to know the real leader of our community and for the whole country. Now things has been changed. Capitalism is reality in this country so we really need to be united to respect our culture, religion, tradition and dignity. Thanks for the author for this real peace. Just because of the cast no one is Bahun. This is time to remember Dor Bahadur Bista.

Anonymous said...

Nepali, i agree with you that monarchy is irrelevant in nepal. however, i don't agree with you that monarchism and bahunism will go at the same time.

bahunism came long before monarchism and bahunism is ingrained in nepal's political culture.

so, no matter if monarch goes, bahnuists are still in the maoists, in the congress, and every where like Sano baje has said.

monarchism will go but bahunism is the next target. there will be no harmony or cultural integration or anything till the Bahunists are eradicated. Then there will be no maoists and no monarchits.

You should not make the exucse for bahunists. they must also pay their dues.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anti Bahunist,

It is time to realize our realities and analyze the impact of different voices that emerges these days. We want Baladev Ram from Madhupatti of Saptari to speak his community. They know what is Bahunism for them. We always talk about Pahade Bahun. But terai is more difficult in this case. All these Jha, Yadav, Chaudhary, Lal, Thakur and other so called upper casts people are dominating poor and marginalized communities. So lets talk about Bahunism in Gurung Community, Bahun in Rai or in Dalit communities. When we talk about Bahunism it is more about attitude. How much Bahun are we personally? I agree that communities which suffered from Bahunism has to get compansation. But no Bahun has to get punishment. If we go for anti Bahun attitude, no bahun will will be yoghurt in their hand "Bahunharu hatma dahi jamayera basnechhainan".

Lets not focus on cast bahun only. Let me tell you that I am not from Bahun community

Anonymous said...

It seems to me, the writer tried to gain the cheap popularity without understanding the "bahunist" or "bahunbad". It exists in every caste, relegion and society.

I am not favouring "bahunist". I support the "open competition". Those who dont reley on "open competition" say such cast and class things. If you believe in yourself you never talk like this. Now you can ask, everywhere bahuns are there in decision making and they favour bahuns. Some how its true in every cast/society/country. Look at America, India, Singapore, Cuba and so on...(more than 100) one favours his/her own cast or relatives. Now, according to writer's view even in those countries, bahus are there as they supported their own descendents. Isnt it?

Dear All, please believe in yourself and accept nature's law. No one can disregard nature. Fathers always favour sons and daughters. Big fishes always eat small fishes. So, as per Mr. writer's thinking bahuns are everywhere in every atom/molecule of the nature.

In fact, the whole problem is because of the economy. Where there is a gap between rich and poor, there is always such problems. Have you ever seen any "gathwala" participating in strike? Have you ever seen any "gathwala" protesting against each other? Never.

So, think to improve the economical condition of Nepali people sothat such issues will be resolved.

Its easy to blame others, at the same time its difficult to find the solution.

Anonymous said...

How cute. We have a Bahunist-in-denial, in our midst.

The Bahunist's conspiracy theory - that the writer is trying to gain "cheap popularity." Given that the writer is Sano Baje, he/she might as well be Mickey Mouse or Superwoman.

Nice try. "Mr./Ms. Bahunist-in-denial" is trying to move the topic in the direction of nepotism, trying to justify that the Bahunists in Nepal are like nepotists anywhere else. Not so fast.

If George Soros decided to give top management positions in his company to his kin, that's ok. When Bahunists in Nepal give aways government positions and monopolizes the exams to ensure that only Bahunists who know Sanskrit can join the foreign service, it's not ok.

Nature's law need not be that the big always tread on the small. If that were the case, then why would be have human rights? Is "Mr. / Ms. Bahunist-in-denial" trying to say that it's nature over nurture when it comes to the debate on Bahunists and nurture vs. nature when it comes to everything else? Does this Bahunist take us for fools?

The whole problem is because the Bahunists are monopolilzing the limited resources at our disposal. So if the gap is between the rich and the poor, the gap is getting wider disproportionately with Bahunist Bahuns and their sycophants getting richer though our tax monies and ordinary people getting pooer with no access to government resources and funds.

You are right, it is easy to blame others and not look for solutions. What, Bahunist-in-denial, is your solution? That we should overlook the reality that Bahunist Bahuns have been economically raping Nepal for centuries? Should we accept (as your propose), that the rich will always be rich and the poor always poor?

Your and your Bahunist bull shit disgusts me!

Anonymous said...

Some time back one of the most cunning Bahun, Mr. Dikxit, wrote in his own magazine "Nepal Bigrne Bahun". Boy! That was his very well timed foxy action. I hope Sano Baje is also not doing the same. These Bahuns are very hard to understand. Otherwise the article depicts the feeling of the countrymen today.

Anonymous said...

Check this:

Anonymous said...

I am way late on this discussion. But I'm a late arriver on this blog. Please someone please clarify me a few things.
First thing's first. I am a Bahun. I don't really know if I belong to the mighty brotherhood of bahun-baad or not.
I want to tell you a story of an average Bahun. It definitely is a story better than an average minority Nepali citizen. I left my home in my gaon as a kid where I was threatened for my life every day on my way to school and back by a bunch of Gurung kids. I moved to Kathmandu, worked as a house-helper, cleaned dishes at my master's house and made my way through high school. I then worked as a school teacher and put myself through I.Sc. Then when I went to fight for seats at Pulchowk, the government dares to tell me that 5% (or whatever it is) of my admission possibility has been set aside for the minorities. Then I thought, oh well lots of minorities have a worse fate than mine and it's a good thing that certain quotas are set aside for the ethnic minorities, right? wrong! because one of the seats was taken by the son of a British lahure who could afford to study in India or elsewhere to start with. The other one I know of was taken by a Newari kid who is indigenous to Kathmandu. A wealthy fellow!!
Now tell me people, do people like me (that's a lot of Bahuns) suffer or get help from this strong opinion and concept of anti-Bahunbaad doctrine? Where do people like me belong?

Anonymous said...

That's a great question Abhi... coming from a chhetri like me, who also was brought up in very modest background and have to struglle throughout, where do I belong?

Your question also applies to the thakuris who works as servants and the Ranas who live ordinary existence as well.

Does royalist or status-quoist or whatever you like apply to people like me and others? I would say no and that is exactly what this "anti-bahun-baad doctrine" is about - exposing the mechanics of the Bahnist movement in Nepal - movement that outlives the Shahs and the Ranas and the Mallas by over 150 years.

If you are offended by this truth, then yes, you are a bahunist. If you accept it and are willing to accept that like many of my extended family members are supporters of the royals just like many of your extended family members are also bahunists, then we can agree and carry on with our individual existences.

But if you think that only Bahunists don't exist but Royalits and Maoists do, then you will see in the next few months for yourself.

Anonymous said...

this is an eye opener. But Nepali society is so fragmented and so disillusioned that it will be a herculian task to give a tough and united figh against bahuns.
WE desperately need to launch awareness campaign to unite people against bahunbad. For this we all non-bahuns must throw away whatever bahunite culture we posses.

Anonymous said...

hi this is a great article. But who is sano baje.

Anonymous said...

hi this is a great article, and going by comments it appears that there are many non-bahun intellectuals who can be of great service to liberate our motherland from bahuns. But we must be able to disseminate the message across illeterate and poor Nepalis in order to demistify the society from Bahun illusion.
HOw to begin the process? are there any suggestions?

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I feel racially discriminated for your post. Every Bahun you dislike is bahunist. I do not think anything called bahunbad exists. If you worry about past, talk about dictators who would rape every woman they would see and kill every person they dislike (of course they were not Bahuns). The author seems to be jealous of the whole Bahun race. I am sorry you have to accept if every finest person from the country is from that very race. Now you would say that it because of connection of bahunbad. Let me tell you something connection doesn't make anyone one of the best poets, writers in the world. Connection doesn't make anyone best doctor in the world (note it: in the world, not just in Nepal).

The better looks of bahuns than other race is gift of their ancestors. The better brains is gift of their hard work.

Finally, I think the time has changed now. Bahuns now-a-days are racially abused more and very less Bahuns racially discriminate other races. The word bahun itself is racially portrayed by every other race in Nepal just because of jealousy?

The government census shows that aryans (including bahuns) are the highest populated people in Nepal (about 36% of total popullation). There is nothing to cry about if they rule the country. They have unified and united it in the beginning (not to forgt). Bahuns have always led every kind of revolution of this country (don't only count the bad ones).

It is just the race that is better than anyone else from the beginning. Jealousy would not help. The country's new constitution doesn't let bahuns grow for sure (since there is nothing for bahuns even if they are very poor). Still they will produce the finest sons.

Looking Past the Moment of Truth

Dear Nepali Perspectives, I had written what is below in response to an article that came out on Republica.  I may have written someth...