(Courtesy: el Guapo)
What is it about the average Nepali that leads Nepali elites to think they can keep getting away with their poker-faced lies? What exactly is it that has politicians, their civil society minions and their network of media cronies convinced that average Nepalis are infinitely gullible? The drama of elections that elites continue to act out is completely at the expense of Nepal's future. This charade is a damning testimony of the self-promoting, self-aggrandizing and self-preserving schemes that Nepali elites continue to enact in a shameless display of their compromised morals, non-existent ethnics and convictions that waver with every change in political wind.
It’s almost as if the range of politically hollow promises, the skewed realities these assurances created and the resulting frustrations borne by an entire generation of young Nepalis, has taught our politicians and civil society cronies, nothing. For here we are again, at the cusp of another “historic” point turning point, with the politicians, civil society and the Nepali media, feeding Nepalis a load of complete nonsense.
Every Nepali who maintains as their favorite past time, politicking (and this is a considerable portion of the populous), understands that constituent assembly elections are at severe risk of not being held. Instead, it is much more likely that Girija Prasad Koirala has warmed up to the Maoist suggestion that Koirala become Nepal’s first President. So, instead of the promised ELECTED constituent assembly, Nepalis are increasingly likely to receive an EXPANDED parliament with Girija Koirala at its helm. History is about to repeat itself with Koirala placing his personal interests above that of his party, his followers and the Nepali nation at large.
If November 22, 2007 is to remain a hard and fast date for Nepal to have any form of a constituent assembly, an expanded version of the current political framework is the country’s only real option. With the dire security situation across the nation, with the state still coddling the terrorists-turned-politicians (the Maoists), and with the Maoist leadership increasingly unable to “lead” its Frankenstein sister organizations, elections (of any variety) are just not possible.
So why does the Nepali media and its civil society still insist that if it was not for the Royalists and the extreme armed factions in the Terai, that constituent assembly elections would take place without a hitch? Why does a supposedly “impartial” media knowingly de-emphasize the Maoist hand in undermining elections by making excuses on behalf of Baburam and Prachanda? Why do certain distinguished individuals feel the necessity to create the impression that constituent assembly elections will take place (by the stipulated date) when they know fully well the plans their political cohorts have in the making?
The answer is not at all complicated and most Nepalis are informed enough to be in "the know.” Despite the fact that Girija and the Maoist leadership have already shaken hands on the abolition of monarchy (prior to the scheduled polls), on 35 guaranteed seats for the Maoists (in the expanded constituent assembly), and on reserving the presidential post for Girija Koirala, without fully playing out the drama of elections, a constituent assembly that is not voted into office may not be recognized internationally (or in Nepal's case, even regionally). So the song and dance continues.
With a moment's thought on all the moving pieces of instability and the complete picture comes into focus. Think about at whose behest the security situation in Nepal is so poor. Consider what role the Maoists are playing in ensuring that constituent assembly elections are not held. Factor in the calculated effort by the Nepali media and Nepali civil society to hallucinate the public into electoral bliss. Put all these factors together and the overused phrase "hatching conspiracies" takes on a whole new meaning - those who allege that conspiracies are being hatched are truly the ones who are hatching conspiracies to begin with.
Sitaula intentionally fails in his job which allows the Maoist leadership to play out the drama of a possible hardliner faction in its midst, which in turn is just the excuse that the “useful idiots” in the civil society need to rationalize their insistence that the Maoists were ready to embrace the democratic political mainstream. Put all this together and the message that it spells out is loud and clear – Conventional wisdom dictates that the Royalists would not want constituent assembly elections till the situation favors the monarchy but contemporary logic indicates that it is not just the Royalists, but the Maoists and the Bahunist faction of the Nepali Congress that have designs that are very different from the oft referred to "free and fair elections," for Nepal’s future.
What Nepalis need to decide sooner rather than later, is if their “New Nepal” is going to be the “Old Nepal” minus ethnic and caste representation in the “Raj Parishad,” plus a different group of ethnic and caste representatives in an unelected constituent assembly? Nepalis need to decide if what they fought for is the continuity of the same political masters and traditions that plagued Nepal throughout the 1990s or if this time, Nepalis want truly REVOLUTIONARY change? Removal of the monarchy is emblematic but national restructuring should include the abolition of feudal Bahunist domination within the political class, the complete rejection of violence as a political lever and equality for all Nepalis in practice, not just on paper.
Populist rhetoric from the extreme left that is condoned by Nepali civil society and propagated by the Nepali media won't yield elections. The Maoists threatening to drop out of the government (which has an entire set of implications to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Armies and Arms Monitoring Treaty - implications that no journalist has bothered to explore till now), won't result in elections. Even the subtle threat of unforeseen circumstances should elections not be held (the logic that is termed "politics of fear" in other parts of the world), won't magically result in elections.
The only circumstances under which free and fair democratic elections may be held is when a vibrant media that is unafraid of the Maoists' flourishes in-country; when a civil society that is free of political affiliation functions as part of a system of check and balances; when UNMIN stops negotiating with the Indians and Nepali elites for an extended term in Nepal; and when the Nepali people actually get to practice a system based on universal suffrage instead of just being paid lip service on what it's like to vote.
Till then, plans to announce a republic without allowing people to vote on the issue will remain in motion and the drama of elections will persist. Even when people involved in acting out this drama know that an unelected constituent assembly is what their puppet masters are vying for, they continue to play the part of "useful idiots" as ordinary Nepalis observe in disgust.
Bahunists and Bahunism - No Room for feudal elements in the "new Nepal"
Girija's Grand Design
State Sovereignty at Stake
Ordinary Nepali Realities vs. Extraordinary Nepali Dreams
Nepal's Constituent Assembly Elections - It's not Just a Matter of Security
These are the opinions of individuals with shared interests on Nepal..... the views are the writers' alone (unless otherwise stated) and do not reflect those of any organizations to which contributors are professionally affiliated. The objective of the material is to facilitate a range of perspectives to contemplate, deliberate and moderate the progression of democratic discourse in Nepali politics.
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Looking Past the Moment of Truth
Dear Nepali Perspectives, I had written what is below in response to an article that came out on Republica. I may have written someth...
(Courtesy: Comrade Libre) Since the day their Indian handlers forced the peace process upon them, Nepal's Maoists have been on a roller ...
(Courtesy: Rajat Lal Joshi) Nishchal Basnyat, a Harvard student who bills himself as a co-author of a book on India, and proclaims to have w...
(Courtesy: Mr. Ripley) When self-absorbed Nepalese elites dictate their vision of the “how-things-should-be” to the Nepalese , it’s the mass...
Why does this website only blame the Maoists for everything? They are the ones who have always wanted CA elections. What justifications now to say that Maoists are plotting against electinos?
To Anonymous 7:56 pm,
The Maoists are plooting against the CA elections. The Maoist Chairman Mr. Prachanda has announced so many times that they want to postpone the CA elections. He has even warned the SPA that his party will walk out of the government if his demands are not met before 18th September 2007.
What more justifications do you need? And the Maoists are to blame for everything. The country is suffering because of their 10 year long armed struggle. And what did they achieve at the end of this armed struggle besides killing innocent and poor people? They achieved seats in the parliament, they achieved seats in the government. And what have they done since they joined the government besides lying and feeding a lot of bull shit to the Nepali people?
Yup, a perfect match in deed. A match made in heaven...Made for each other...
So, we are not going to have a CA Election? But, we are going to have a CA? And Girija Chor is going to be the First President of Nepal? Then, what happens when he is dead? I don't think he can live forever. So, who is going to be the Second President of Nepal after Girija Chor is dead? Is it Prachanda? Is Prachanda going to be the Second President of Nepal? Then who is going to be the Vice President? Is it going to be Baburam? And who is going to be the Ministry of Defense? Is it going to be a Maoist leader or a Congress leader? What about the Home Minister? Who is going to be the Home Minister? Who is going to answer all these questions correctly will deserve the prize.
The Prize will be announced on a later date.
Yup, a perfect match in deed. A match made in India...Made for each other...to drown ourselves in life and death...
If there is only CA without CA election, then
1. the king and royalist can run the parallel government
2. The madheshi can run the parallel govt.
3. Limbuwan and khmbuwan, tamangselu can run the parallel govt.
4. Tharuwan can run the parallel govt.
5. Karnali pradesh can run the parallel govt. etc. etc.
If there is a CA without any elections, the winners will be the Maoists and the losers will be the people.
I know this is an option that the Bahunist-Maoist nexus is pursuing. I wonder if this will be acceptable to the Nepali people? Especially the radicalized youths who want to do nothing more than burn tires and close down shops?
I think anything is acceptable to the Nepali people who have no BRAINS to think for themselves and no BALLS to fight for themselves.
No brains and no balls huh? And what are you, American? British? Indian? What?
No matter the country, you may be settled there, but just remember you are a SECOND CLASS citizen and always will be. Even your children will be SECOND CLASS immigrants.
Go use your brains and your balls on that!
You may call us SECOND CLASS IMMIGRANTS if it makes you feel any better.
After all, we don't have to worry about Bandas, Chakka Jams, Strikes, Load Shedding, Petroleum Shortage, Lack of Running Water, Political Instability, Corrupt Politicians, YCL Thugs,...Need I say more?
So, my friend, I am very happy to be a SECOND CLASS CITIZEN who earns £30,000 per year :)
Hahaha.. your 30,000 salary. Good for you.
How do you feel about being looked at in the Tube like you're an alien from space? There may be no YCL to run from, but do you like running from foot ball fans when they're piss drunk? Do you like going through the security line again and again in those random checks?
Enjoy yourself while you are making your salary. Wait till you are older and in poor health.. you will wish you could smell the stink of the garbage pile next to your house in Nepal.
I don't travel by underground. I have a car. And the British people are not mannerless savages to stare at people who are well dressed and well educated and well off.
And when I retire I am going to have a peaceful life with my beautiful wife in our beautiful home and spend time with the grandkids.
Why do we even bother talking about a ''free and fair CA election'' when deep inside our hearts we know that there is not going to be a ''free and fair CA election''? And it looks like there is not going to be any CA election free or unfree, fair or unfair. So, why don't we stop complaining to each other, blaming the Maoists for everything and just stop wasting our time? The Maoists are running the show now. And they don't give a shit to what we do or say. Its complete bollocks. We are being duped. And the sad part is that we know we are being duped. Yet, we don't do anything except bitch about them. I am afraid that our bitching doesn't mean shit to anyone least of all to the Maoists. The good thing about Bitching is that we can express our frustration and anger by speaking about it verbally. But, Thats it. Nothing else. So, lets prepare ourselves to suffer for the rest of our lives at the hands of the Maoists.
Here is to people like us who don't have the balls to stand up and fight. All we do is sit in our homes, read the papers, watch the news, come online at nepalnews.com and post our comments and then bitch about the Maoists. I say we deserve to be ruled by these Maoists. We have dug our own grave and we must now lie in it.
And if we don't like being ruled by the Maoists then why don't we do something about it instead of just bitching about them all the time? Why don't we organize a group of like minded people and protest against the Maoists? Words can be a powerful weapon if used wisely. But, there is no denying the fact that actions speak louder than words. [b]So, lets speak out. Lets stand up and fight for our rights, our beliefs, our freedom. Cause no one is going to fight for us. We have to fight for ourselves.[/b]
The Maoists stood up and fought for what they believed in. They were not afraid to fight for their beliefs. They had the courage to stand up and fight against an army which was far more superior to them. And, look at them now. They are running the show. They are making the so called corrupt-visionless-stupid-blind-idiot politicians dance according to their tunes. And if we don't stand up and fight then they will make us dance according to their tunes.
And the Maoists are dancing according to the tunes of RIM and CCOMPOSA
You will spend your waning years wishing you had done something for your country so your grand children had a place to call their motherland.
Maybe you are one of those people who ask ''what can I do for my country?' but I am not.
I am one of those people who ask ''what has the country done for me?'
But, let me ask you, what have you done for your country? Does posting comments in Nepali Perspectives count as doing something for your country?
So you want everything and want to give nothing in return. All take, no give.... typical me, myself and I mindset.
What do you want commenters here to say to you? That they feel they are giving back by sharing their views and ideas on this blog? What difference does it make to a self-cenetered person anyway?
Haven't you heard that saying GB?
'Help yourself before helping others'. This is the main doctrine of the Bahuns. I am sure you know what it means. After all, you are one of them!
Whoever created this phrase 'Bahun Baje Lobi' sure knew what s/he was talking about.
Anyway, keep posting your shitty comments. It sure helps to keep the fire of hatred burning for BAHUNS like you :)
You can't think of anything better to argue so you have to make everything caste based don't you, you fool?
YOu have no logical things to say. So when all else fails, I am a bahun, I have a tupee, etc. etc.
What do you have but this nonsense argument to support anything you have to say?
You are jealous because you would like to be like a bahun - on top of the game - but you are at the bottom. It's ok. Just admit it and move on.
girija baje,
This 21st century, you cannot keep us in the dark...your share is only 12% of the total population and if you people try to play crook game in the name of democracy and peace then this country is definatley going to suffer more...and next target will be you people...in Janaandolan-3...
Was it just me or did others also not understand the following statement till no:
"The Maoists threatening to drop out of the government (which has an entire set of implications to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the Armies and Arms Monitoring Treaty - implications that no journalist has bothered to explore till now), won't result in elections."
Now that the Maoists are threatening to withdraw from the 12 point Agreement and the CPA, this statement from above makes perfect sense.
It's like Surya Bahadur Thapa said months ago - the Nepali people are being held hostage to the peace process.
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